Thor (2011)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2011
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston
A powerful but arrogant god Thor banished from Asgard to live among humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.
This roll-off pieces of Marvel fiction that is full of clichés? andthe predictability ... the point.I myself cringing a lot of scenes Cheetos-colored pure fanboyism set of heroism, andthe smell a lot of scenes, usually, usually over-the-top dicsĂ…'ségéta old four-color trope.But things called attention done.First, Asgard is absolutely wonderful. They went all out car on earth, metal and elemental grandeur. There was no problem buying this Asgard, the land of heroism endgame. In particular, the Rainbow Bridge, weapons, andthe interiors are very appropriate details andthe overall style. Very impressive video even thematically.Second, Branaghs touch can be seen Shakespeare AllFather Odin family atmosphere. Odin himself brim, frost andthe wisdom of the age to come, andthe voice is still awesome with authorities immediately. Hopkins is not good that balance, even a cheap scripting.And brother ... competition here is so strong, it is nuanced and fully implement all of the actors. There is love, but a lack of understanding, envy, and hatred. Loki is far from a cardboard villain, as we shall see, all in one package - a warrior who protects his allies, sincere advice, a liar, a careful thinker, plain language, andthe weird. He loves and adores his father, but Jona nearly fatal to doubt, and even hate ... but it is very real and very stirring. And even if it is clear that she in fact is very grim indeed understand and accept the reasons ... and the last scene of the film brings the three family man with a very painful time in total loss.I very surprised that was so moving, especially , sen when winning time is pablem.So hero amid otherwise uninspiring, to sum up, this film met with a negative expectation disappointed and surprised me with a clear content on the go. Check to see if anything is surprised and forget comic hero because better.Thanks made you read this.
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