The Avengers (2012)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2012
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Director: Joss Whedon
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson
Nick Fury S.H.I.E.L.D. The look and coincides with his army, except the command superhuman.
What I have to tell anyone who will listen that this is one of the best adventure film Ive ever seen. It is almost impossible to see how pumped I am now that I've seen. I avoid deliberately exaggerate me to this movie because when expectations are high, nobody seems to be able to reach them. I usually avoid the hype train whenever possible. That said, I connected to see this movie and it worked perfectly hype train. It could not be helped. So certainly I had to turn this movie extreme frustration was not good. I'm so happy to report happened.The is dedicated only one word that comes to mind to describe this movie is amazing. The wonderful work and all that I expected and more. The extraordinary entertainment to the uninitiated, but is everything a fanboy could want to be sure. It has every little nuance of what a fan would like to see. One of the many things I like about the tensióny outright disagreement arises among team members. There is a two-dimensional computer wonderful unite to fight crime wo wo wo. Most do not like each other fist and highly textured to play. That's great, because many of these characters are larger than life. They have big egos and weapons are not used to working with other people, or even playing the rules. Stark, Thor and Banner all work on the other side of the fence so to speak. Then there is the widow Halcóny Eye Captain America, accustomed to following orders and play within a command structure. They are all thrown together in a wonderful and best of all, the most likely way. Again, more than I ever dreamed possible.The whole cast really delivered. You will need more than the actors or double acting double to play all the parts. The pathos is there, but what is far and deep sincere performances. Look, Ed Norton was missing more than anyone I train discussion hype about it, but I'm very happy to say that Mark Ruffalo convinced me. I hope that is enclosed in the long term, because they need more changes. Three is the lucky number for Banner film. All other actors Avnegers we've seen before is better than its previous incarnation (each), with the possible exception of RDJ as Stark. Hes good, but it's hard to raise your take on the character of the original Iron Man movie with a group. I also fully disclose that I am madly attracted to Scarlett Johansson. I thought his widow is a fascinating character, but I'm judging by rose colored glasses. The character arc that worked there during the course of this amazing film more general audience without expecting anything more than a popcorn type transformers scarfdown.I honestly do not want to give any movie with this diag , stico because this is a film that needs to be savored each scene. Do yourself a favor and stay a virgin. The way I saw the movie (apart from what is shown in the trailer) and although it is obvious that you're reading this review, I read no different than any spoilers whatsoever. Feel the wonder for yourself. Avengers as a movie and as a team on the screen is an unstoppable force. Im just going to say, Hulk and Thor wonderful combination equivalent and leave it at that. The film refers must.